Sunday, July 24, 2011


I woke up this morning and went for a drive with an associate of mine. During this drive we talked about many things such as current events, politics, sports, jobs and the current economic climate but some how all of these topics led to raciest comments.

Dam you and your Autobahns!
Needless to say it annoyed me.

Now you may not have known this but I am in fact Irish, and if you are familiar with the past of the Irish you may know that we suffered  racism back in the old days.  Weather we were being mistreated by the British on our own land or being mistreated by the Americans on theirs we were not new to being the victims of racism.

Although being Irish was seen as being a lower class human we have somehow become one of the most loved countries in the world.
Maybe because everyone likes to "Irish up" their coffee.

So naturally you would think because we know what racism feels like we would not make the same mistakes as others. You would imagine that we the Irish would try to stop racism altogether.
Oh how wrong you are. I think its safe to say we as a nation are very raciest. We blame everything on "foreigners".

I hold you personally responsible  for the
 current economic climate you lil' cute basterd!

Now admittedly I do love a good raciest joke, weather the joke is about the Polish stealing our jobs or Africans stealing our women.
In fairness are they stealing them, or are we just driving them away?
But I've become tired of constant racial slurs. Yes, the odd raciest joke from time to time is fun but hearing them day in day out eventually depletes the humor.

So how to we stop Racism?

 Raise your hand if you have an idea.
"I know vhat ve should do".
Actually never mind, forget I asked.

To be honest I don't think we'll ever be rid of racism, The only chance I think we have to get rid of racism is to educate all young kids that its wrong straight away, they should learn about different nationalities and skin colors as they learn their ABC's.

Then we just have to wait for the raciest old people to kick the bucket.
"Well, deary these cookies represent white supremacy over the chocolate chips or as I like the call 'em the Black Devil!" 

This has been The Morning Moan.
Now go bother someone else.

Or follow me on Twitter @TheDyslexicKid

Friday, July 15, 2011

3D Movies

I, woke up this morning and started watching mid morning TV (the joys of being unemployed) and as I was getting my morning fill of Friends and Dr. Phil my shows where interupted every few minutes by ad's. Amoungst theses ad's where a few movie trailers. Every, and i mean EVERY trailer stated that the movie was in 3D.
Needless to say it annoyed me.

Like many modern movie goers I have been subjected to the new cinimatic craze that is 3D. Nearly every movie released this year has a a 3D screening and quite frankly I don't like it.

Back in the good old days when I was young and easily amused 3D was, and I qoute "AMAZEBALLS!". As I said I was easly amused. Giant hands that appeared to be comming at me would delight me all day. Back then 3D was a novelty, sadly these days the novilty has died off.

Pictred the death of novelty.

Today if a movie does the whole "He went that way!" *points through the screen* I feel like i've been taken out of the movie, it seems cheesy and over done.

Your an ass-face for liking this.
The whole idea of watching a movie is to get ingrossed in the story, you want to become absorbed by it. If your watching a crime drama movie and the lead states that "this knief is hudge" your smacked back to reality,
3D should be used in a way that gives depth to a movie, it should make the aduience feel like they're there in the action and not just simply viewing it. Sadly however alot of movies these days are half assed 3D. Half assed 3D is when the characters are cut of of the movie and pasted back onto the background. It makes the movie look like a giant movinging pop up book.

In cinemas this fall.

This of 3D really just gets at me, it's cheap it's "jumping on the band wagon" and it causes headaches.

If i was to recommend a 3D film however go see transformers 3, the 3D is good for the most part, it adds a bit of depth and it's not in your face or anything, it's just right.

Also it has this in 3D.. hot hot hot hot 
 This was The Morning Moan,
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And go bother someone else.

The Morning Moan : Intro

Most Blogs you read on the inter webs has a sort of mission statement, it's usually a small bit of info that outlines the content you should expect from the blog.

This isn't like most blogs so i'm not going to do that. This is The Morning Moan ... I moan about things in it.
My name is Johnny B (like a condom that stings) and these are things that annoy me.